660 Rollers & Brushes

Colour Pigments







Chip Brushes

Constructed of pure china bristle for the stiffness required to stipple resins into mats and fabric. We do not recommend these brushes for finish work.

Available in .5”, 1”, 2”, 3”, & 4”

China Bristle Brushes

A quality pure china bristle brush that is reusable
and acetone safe.

Available in .5”, 1”, 2”, 3”, & 4”

Complete Rollers

Use for small - medium repair jobs or layup. Roller fabric is safe with epoxy or polyester resins. Replacement sleeves are available.

Available in 3” 5mm pile or
4” 5mm pile

Foam Rollers & Marine Brushes

Rollers or sleeves available in
4” or 6”

Brushes available in 1”, 2” or 3”

These acetone safe, easy to clean frames will withstand repeated uses.

Available in 7.5” or 9.5”


Our roller sleeves are 100% blended polyester, have phenolic cores and will stand up to all paints and resins. They can be cleaned in acetone.
Use 5m pile for finish work. 10mm pile gets lots of resin on laminate

Available in 3”, 7.5”(pink), 9.5”(pink), 7.5”(green), or 9.5”(green)