Click on a swatch for a larger version.
Please note t
he color samples shown on your computer screen are for comparison only. They cannot be considered an accurate color match to the actual color.

The Industrial Color Chart (shown above) is available from our web store.


Gel Coat Repair Kit
Need just a small amount of off white gel coat.

Click Here for more Information and how to order.
Custom Color Matched Gel Coat
Please provide a 1 in by 1 in size sample of the color to be matched. Minumin quantity is 1 gal and take about 7 to 10 days.
Brush or Spray viscosity
Send sample to

Rayplex Ltd.
341 Durham Crt
Oshawa, Ontario Canada
L1J 1W8


RAYPLEX now has 180 Gel-Coat colors and pigment  to help in your color matching requirements.

With the color wheel or the color fan simply hold the sample next to the fiberglass surface and view the color next to the sample.

All colors available in Gallons and 5 Gallon pails.  Please specify with or without wax when ordering.  Also, please specify if any pigments will be necessary to fine tune the color to the perfect color match. 

To Order Gel Coat  
Email us at     Ph (905) 579-1433  Fx (905) 579-1431
Industrial Chart Color Number
Quanity min 1 gal.
Brush or Spray viscosity
We offer 4 different methods for Gel coat Color Matching.


17 different base pigments and

The ColourMatchingManual

The Rayplex Colormatch Kit will enable you to make perfect gelcoat colormatches. Colormatching gelcoat was a black art science, but now perfect colormatches are possible time and time again. Boats fade differently from sun side to non-sun side. Just a drop or two of the right pigment will produce a perfect match. Have you ever had to reduce the customer's bill because the color wasn't just right? Making excuses isn't profitable.

The Rayplex Colormatch Kit contains 17 - 4 oz color pigments that when blended can match almost every color of gelcoat. Using the Rayplex Colormatch Kit your professional reputation for high color quality will shine. Many gelcoat repair professionals include a $50.00 fee for colormatching. The kit will pay for itself in your first 3-4 color matching jobs.

The adva


ntages of the color matching kit include:

TIPS: Adding white only makes the colour pastel


TIPS: To  much Catalyst can change the desired colour


TIPS: Some customers can't be pleased

Impress your customer...
Customer perception of your skills will determine the value of your work. What the customer perceives will determine what they will pay. The more knowledgeable your talk of Gel Coat repairs the more comfortable the customers is about giving you the job. Gain valuable professional knowledge so you will be paid profe$$ional price$ and produce professional work.
Rayplex colour match kit will help you achieve all this.

Repair Professional